Sunday, December 20, 2009

Why do all good things come to an end?


It's December 20th, and a lot has happened since I last wrote...

Thursday night I got back from my last but amazing trip to Dublin. We were there from Sunday to Thursday. I was talking with Priyanka and we both agreed that going back to Ireland was the best idea for our last trip here abroad. Dublin was a great city, a lot different from Cork, but still Ireland which I've fallen in love with. We (and when I say we I mean Priyanka, myself, Mariana, Trey, and Paul) did not have much of an agenda while we were there which made it feel like a true vacation. A few hot spots we saw though were: Trinity College, the Guiness Factory (so awesome!), St. Stephen's Green park (practically the central park of Dublin) which we actually spent time reading there, the spire, a christmas market, and of course the pubs. Dublin is a cute city, but it was very cold and mostly rainy/a bit snowy while we were there. Each day was spent with one or two things in mind of doing, otherwise we spent the trip laughing, reminiscing about our semester, and spending some time at some good restaurants and pubs or warming up in our hostel.

The hospitality of the Irish (as well as the English language...) always wins my heart. I loved the small city as well as medieval aspect of Dublin. It was tourist friendly. A street we came across often was called Graton Street, which had holiday lights up illuminating the street and really getting me ready for Christmas. The city was always alive every day and night. We didn't get the Irish pasture feel like we did in Cork, but it's still Ireland, and I hope to go back as soon as possible.

Mariana, Priyanka, Paul, me, Trey all having a blast in an Irish pub.

We made it back after an exhausting day of traveling on Thursday (over 4 hours of waiting in our hostel to go to the airport, an hour long taxi ride to the airport, 1 1/2 hour plane ride, hour long bus ride and 40 minute metro ride that got me home by midnight.)
The next day was devoted to packing since Saturday morning was time for Mihee, Priyanka and I to move out of our apartment.
It was hard packing up everything from the past four months into my suitcases, and definitely was a day for reminiscing. I couldn't, and still can't believe everything has come to an end out here. I even sold back my bike after riding it up icy streets to Montemarte in the freezing weather to the bike store.

Right now I'm sitting in my friends cozy apartment writing this with snow visible on the rooftops outside. I remember writing a while ago that I hoped to see snow fall here in Paris before I left... Earlier today Mariana and I went to get something to eat and the snow was falling so quietly with giant snowflakes sticking to our hair. It was truly amazing to see this. I'm in Montemarte right now which only amplifies the beauty... Unfortunately I've been inside for the majority of the day due to the freezing weather, but yesterday I had a great day walking around the shops with Mariana. We ate dinner together at a delicious restaurant nearby. Tonight it's back to my hostel to repack my bags and go to bed. Tomorrow a 7:45 am shuttle is coming to pick me up and bring me to the airport for my travels home, hopefully stress free (at least compared to getting here in August...)

I haven't heard from many people from home lately because I've been so busy, but it's so crazy to know that everyone's semester is over, they're all at home celebrating the holidays with their families, which I'm so close to gripping as well. I look forward to seeing everyone and hearing their stories from the past few months, as well as them asking a few of mine. This semester abroad is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I will always recommend it for the younger ones who have the chance to do so. I checked my grades the other day, and I'm proud to say I'm bringing home all A's with me! Who knew I'd be able to travel all of these countries as well as maintain my school work. :-) At first no one was believing me I was still actually in school...
I am updating my photo folders right now, so if you go to the "final reviews" folder in my picasa website, you can see everyones final studio project up and hanging as well as our urban exploration projects. I hope to upload my songs and videos soon so you can see those as well.

I was trying to figure out what aspect I've improved on most while out here, and I believe above all it is patience. There were so many situations where patience was necessary.
Everyone knows how long an airplane ride takes... There's the commuting to the airport, checking in, going through security, getting on the plane, take off, in the air, landing, getting out of the airport...I've been in countless airports to get from one country to the next, not to mention the train rides, bus rides, metro rides, or taxi rides I've needed to hop on. Commuting in general is such a long process where only patience can get you through without going crazy.
Patience is also a virtue when you're getting to know 14 people you're with the entire semester. You don't realize how many people you have around you at home until they're not there. I love each person in my class to death, and I'm so glad I got to know them. Since they were people I never hung around with in Chicago, I had to learn to make them my family asap otherwise I was in deep trouble, and now as I go home I look forward to seeing each one of them on campus next semester and in the future years to come. I am in fact rooming with one of my close friends I made, Stacy, next semester.
I needed patience throughout the semester to get me through the moments I felt homesick or longed for someone who wasn't nearby. There is no more painful feeling (in my opinion) than missing someone or longing for them. The process of becoming emotionally independent was hard, and always will be, but I made it through the months now with the feeling I can go anywhere knowing how many people at home are hoping I am having a great time.
The feeling of missing someone is necessary, as it makes seeing them completely worth it in the end. I hope to continue to work on independence, as it's such an important thing in a person's life.
There is also the need to be patient getting used to other cultures, which I found difficult. As much as I love Paris, I could not consider myself becoming a Parisian, or French for that matter due to the difference in personalities (no harm in that statement, just the truth). I regret nothing from living here, as it taught me how different the lifestyle is from Chicago and other countries, and I look forward to trying out other lifestyles and cultures in the future.

Europe has made my eyes so much bigger and realize how small the world is. You can see and do anything you want to do, especially out here. I want to do everything possible in the small amount of time we're given in our lives... There are two quotes I live by that I've thought of out here.

"Life gets as interesting as you decide to make it"
"Life is infinite, but we are only capable of making the most of it with the time we're given."
I hope everyone agrees with those remotely, and you can live by them with me as well.

I'll see you all soon!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Two Weeks

It's December 9th. I go home the 21st. I am not going to lie, I've been extremely sad lately I'm on my final two week count (less than, now). My school finished successfully with two amazing days of reviews of our final projects, my parents are in town now, and I'm having constant flashbacks of the time I've had here. Since this is how I've been living the last four months, it's hard to imagine anything but. I of course miss and long for so many things in Chicago, but I keep looking around saying I'll be back soon. I have to.

Our finals ended very well, we had a long day of final reviews yesterday for our studio project, and Monday was devoted to our Urban Exploration projects. Some very prestigious architects came to critique/judge our work on Tuesday; some worked with Renzo Piano, Frank Gehry and Jean Nouvel. My board turned out beautifully and I've never been more proud of my work than I have this semester.

The final concept of my building is a water monument. I studied the Seine river, noticed there was a long line of monuments along the river, and placed my building near the Eiffel tower to add yet another monument to Paris' fine line. The shape of the skin of my building takes the shape of water, and the programming/movement of my building (from traveling to stationary) is almost like a wave frozen in time. The kitchen is surrounded in glass, as if it were on display in a glass case, similar to any object and piece of art in a museum. The glass panels are there to continue the movement of water along the surface of the building, as well as give the restaurant goer a contemporary view back to the Eiffel tower.

view of the kitchen on display

view from the mezzanine to the kitchen and beyond to the eiffel tower

view from the glass panels

a night shot inside the bar area of my restaurant

overall night shot

My parents are in town right now, and although the weather is awful and the museums all throughout Paris are now on strike, I enjoy seeing them, spending time with them, and hanging around Paris to appreciate my last days here. I really missed them, but I also feel like it's been two weeks since I saw them last. We went on a boat tour down the Seine today which was awesome. I was exposed to actual barge restaurants on the Seine, and got to see all the monuments in Paris I visited throughout my stay here. I know the next two weeks are going to be hard as they wind down, however I really will NOT take anything for granted. I plan to make them the best of my trip! I am headed to Dublin on Sunday with friends, which I'm entirely looking forward to. I am going with Priyanka, Mariana, Trey, and we're meeting my friend Paul again! (from our London adventures) I'll definitely tell my tales from that trip when I get back, as well as a reflection entry during my last days here. I am looking forward to seeing everyone when I come home, but for now I still have a little less than two weeks left! Gotta get as much in as I can!


Friday, November 27, 2009

Seasons of Love

Having my friends here is making me appreciate, love, and realize how much I know about Paris (and also don't know...oh well.)

I read a couple of my old blogs and it's weird to think I was wrong about some things and right about others. For example, I said "it's fun to try and communicate with the french". After living here for so long, I realized unfortunately that it's rather frustrating now to try and communicate with them, only because I feel judged whenever I walk into a store, a restaurant or a grocery store. I don't know what it is, but something about me just screams American, which leaves a sense of bitterness between the French and me. I unfortunately didn't learn as much French as I would have liked to, and got lectured a couple of times because of that, but I learned to be quiet and keep walking down the streets, leaving everyone happy.

Something I've absolutely loved though has been living here for 3, going on 4 months and experiencing the change of weather/seasons. It really has given me the grip of what it's like to live in a city.
In August it was hot, always sunny, and felt like summer.
In September, it started to cool down, but still felt like summer, obvious change in some shadows, but still sunny and enjoyable.
October it would rain, but still was sunny most of the time. The weather started cooling down, the fashion started changing to sweaters and scarves, and the leaves were beautiful in all of the gardens and trees. November got much colder, more overcast, and real fall to winter weather.
I can look back in all of my pictures and remember the temperature and weather (Let me tell you how nice it is now to look back on my Barcelona pictures... I was so tan! It was October and we were on the BEACH!)
I am looking forward to December, now that the Christmas lights are going up, and am crossing my fingers for one snowfall at least, to put the spin on my entire experience here. The simple change of posters for movies, plays, magazine issues, advertisements, store items has shown me how fast paced Paris is. One week we left for one of our trips, and came back to our local grocery store completely renovated and owned by another company.

The French may walk with their noses in the air (strictly my opinion), but it's been more than amazing living here... I need to continue doing this in my life; it's too short to live in one city your whole life. I like having to say I have 22 years behind me in Chicago, and I look forward to living in every city I'm brought to in my future.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Time is Running Out


It's amazing how fast time is passing here... Everyone told me this would happen. It's already November 26th and I have LESS THAN A MONTH UNTIL I COME HOME. It's quite sad... I've adapted to this lifestyle, and I know I'll miss it when I come back to Chicago. I loved having places to look forward to see during the week/ends, and just the unpredictable things that were thrown at me.

Right now two of my best friends are here in Paris (Lindsay and Emma). I picked them up from Charles de Gaulle airport on Monday and we've been out and about on the (rainy) streets of Paris ever since. Yesterday we went to the Louvre (which was closed, but we'll go back) Notre Dame, and top of the Eiffel tower. It's been so nice seeing them, it's a piece of home that I've been longing for a while. I feel bad though, they haven't quite adjusted to the time difference, so there are some early nights here for them. I get to do my homework during that time!
Today was our shopping day. We also walked around Montemarte for a bit, I showed them the Moulin Rouge, and we ate at a chain called Leon du Bruxelles; a very good mussels place. It's been great showing them how I've been living here, my lifestyle, where I live, where I go to school, my favorite places... Tomorrow we're going to the Pompideu center and Luxembourg Gardens which I am very excited for! and...IT'S THANKSGIVING! The Horn's are throwing on a Thanksgiving dinner for 25 people (I believe they hired a cook...) and I am so excited to just EAT. I'll be sitting at the table with the family I've made out here and Lindsay and Emma. Couldn't be a better Thanksgiving in Paris!

A lot of stuff is going on at once, my friends are here and I have a ton of work piling up on me. I'm getting excited for the next few weeks though... I feel like I've done a good job throughout the semester keeping up with work and where my projects have led me. I'll be sure to post some of my final stuff when I'm done.

It's also so weird to think...I've been in Europe for 3 months. I've been having so many flashback memories of my whole trip here so far. It's so dense in terms of people I've met/gotten to know, my daily routine, my school work, and above all, travelling. I haven't seen my parents in 3 months (I FINALLY saw them the other day on video chat) and I haven't seen most of my college friends since May. I feel so accomplished though, like I've seen so much of the world. I can't wait to get home around Christmas, where it's family and friend overload. I'm thrilled for next semester too...I can't help but say I've missed school in the city. It'll be nice to come home with this trip in my pocket.

So much to do still, though! I'll be back!


Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hello Hello!

Another update from me! I'm getting through the days with hours of studio under my belt, but still so many left to go. I am in the dead middle of my studio project, and urban exploration project. Both have been making me busy and leaving me attached to my computer, unfortunately, but it's completely necessary. They told us the last month of school is dedicated to school. 3 months of 'vacationing' seems like a decent thing to come back to work from!

Something fun though happened the other day... My birthday! It was on Tuesday. I turned 22 (Permanently 21 for the rest of my life) In the morning, my roommates made us a french toast breakfast, and we headed out for an afternoon of shopping. I got a gorgeous red dress. At 6 o'clock we had a lovely evening class scheduled, but it was to watch a movie about Rome, called Fellini Roma. Our teacher wanted us to see it after been there the week or so before. It was a great movie, I recommend it to all of you to watch it. (don't forget the english subtitles) It was great to see Rome in the movie after we had seen it in person. I understand the atmosphere a lot more now; our teacher showed a clip of it BEFORE our trip, then showed us the whole movie after the trip. Good call on her part. After the movie, a group of 10 of us went to this amazing Brazilian restaurant, got the biggest portion of food I've seen in Paris, and an amazing dessert. For dinner I had Brazilian escolape, which was a breaded turkey breast in this delicious sauce, rice, and a great salad. The dessert was 'death by chocolate'. The dinner ended late, and half the group headed back to our apartment for a couple of cocktails, then it was time for bed.

It was a great birthday though, and I am so lucky to have celebrated it out here! I'm 22 and still so young!

Another fun exciting bit of news. Unfortunately, Priyanka and I decided to head somewhere cheaper than Greece, and a little bit closer for the last week we're here in Paris. None the less, we picked our favorite country so far, Ireland! We're going to Dublin this time, and cannot be more excited. It was super cheap, in an English speaking country, and well, it's Ireland. I don't really need to say more... I'm glad to explore a different part (the more touristy, busy part) and get out of Paris one more time before I get back to Chicago.

Wish me luck on my work, I have a tedious weekend coming up. My best friends get here in 3 days! I need to get a lot of work done before our fun filled week! I'll be back soon enough


My new red dress (belt excluded)

do you like my tiara? Caryl, my professor's wife, bought me a bouquet of red roses

this was the sweetest part of the night.
they called me into the lecture part of the room, and surprised me a few minutes later when they carried a chocolate cake, and little cups of tiramisu, all with candles in them. It was so sweet, I wanted to cry!

brazilian escolape. sooo good!

death by chocolate

Saturday, November 14, 2009

World Traveler

Here is a fun photo! recognize any of the cities/routes in red?!

click to enlarge

This map has been next to my bed since the beginning of the semester. I bought it to mark my travels... It's been fun going over with a red crayon where I've been after each trip. I hope to hang this in my room like a poster wherever I live. Maybe even frame it!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Urban Exploration 2

So I've been really excited the past few days because of my Urban Exploration project due at the end of the semester. Our final is a mapping project of Paris, basically our interpretation of our trip here. I've decided to completely personalize it. The biggest part of my trip (and life pretty much) is music; listening to my ipod while commuting to and from class, the mall, field trips, listening to music at my apartment (all of that jazz), putting it to sleep in the hostels in different countries. I've listened to a massive amount of music. My idea was to create a map of Paris with the songs I've been listening to, syncing artists, albums and songs up with the streets and routes I take. For example, it started with one of Anne's walks a Thursday morning, I was playing an album by the Arctic Monkeys. This album was completely fitting into the mood of the neighborhoods, the weather, and the route of this walk. Another FAVORITE ride of mine is from the Canal up to the Parc de la Villette while listening to Moby. I have begun to write down over a map of Paris my notes so far, and my project is building dramatically in my head.

My friend also gave me a video camera to actually take footage of my routes (walking through the metro stops, to and from school, and random moments I feel like taping)
I actually completed one of my movies last night. It is about the way I feel traveling through the metro, which feels like life is going by so slow just because I feel like I'm walking endlessly through tunnels trying to get from one stop to the next. You turn corners, go up stairs, walk through more tunnels, never ending. This video is synced to a song called "Slow Life" and is of all my footage walking through the metro. When the song picks up and becomes more dramatic during the chorus, it's of me FINALLY getting out of the metro and onto the streets of Paris. It's a slower video, but that's the point. I will find some way to post it eventually... I also plan on making some more videos of other routes, feelings, and/or chapters of my life here. My final project will be my music map of Paris, a cd of all the songs I used, plus some other good ones, and a dvd with my movies on it. The package will be put into a vinyl record case that I'll redecorate to my liking.

This project really reaches to my deepest passion: music. I'm glad I can tie that into a school assignment and make it my own. Things I've been wanting to do such as video taping and making movies, making mix cds, and designing my own album artwork is probably the best project I can think of to do for myself. If I get a grade and class credit for it, that's even better!

Wish me luck!

p.s. If anyone writes comments on my blogs, please say who they are from! I looove getting them, but sometimes when they are anonymous I don't know who's writing them :-(