Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Time is Running Out


It's amazing how fast time is passing here... Everyone told me this would happen. It's already November 26th and I have LESS THAN A MONTH UNTIL I COME HOME. It's quite sad... I've adapted to this lifestyle, and I know I'll miss it when I come back to Chicago. I loved having places to look forward to see during the week/ends, and just the unpredictable things that were thrown at me.

Right now two of my best friends are here in Paris (Lindsay and Emma). I picked them up from Charles de Gaulle airport on Monday and we've been out and about on the (rainy) streets of Paris ever since. Yesterday we went to the Louvre (which was closed, but we'll go back) Notre Dame, and top of the Eiffel tower. It's been so nice seeing them, it's a piece of home that I've been longing for a while. I feel bad though, they haven't quite adjusted to the time difference, so there are some early nights here for them. I get to do my homework during that time!
Today was our shopping day. We also walked around Montemarte for a bit, I showed them the Moulin Rouge, and we ate at a chain called Leon du Bruxelles; a very good mussels place. It's been great showing them how I've been living here, my lifestyle, where I live, where I go to school, my favorite places... Tomorrow we're going to the Pompideu center and Luxembourg Gardens which I am very excited for! and...IT'S THANKSGIVING! The Horn's are throwing on a Thanksgiving dinner for 25 people (I believe they hired a cook...) and I am so excited to just EAT. I'll be sitting at the table with the family I've made out here and Lindsay and Emma. Couldn't be a better Thanksgiving in Paris!

A lot of stuff is going on at once, my friends are here and I have a ton of work piling up on me. I'm getting excited for the next few weeks though... I feel like I've done a good job throughout the semester keeping up with work and where my projects have led me. I'll be sure to post some of my final stuff when I'm done.

It's also so weird to think...I've been in Europe for 3 months. I've been having so many flashback memories of my whole trip here so far. It's so dense in terms of people I've met/gotten to know, my daily routine, my school work, and above all, travelling. I haven't seen my parents in 3 months (I FINALLY saw them the other day on video chat) and I haven't seen most of my college friends since May. I feel so accomplished though, like I've seen so much of the world. I can't wait to get home around Christmas, where it's family and friend overload. I'm thrilled for next semester too...I can't help but say I've missed school in the city. It'll be nice to come home with this trip in my pocket.

So much to do still, though! I'll be back!



  1. happy thanksgiving! miss you...see you soon!

  2. Happy belated birthday, Becca! It looks like it was a great one. Thanks for putting up with Emma. Hard to imagine her going to bed at 7pm! LOL!!! I hope their presence is not keeping you from doing what you need to do. I'm sure they can manage on their own when you need to work. So great of your prof to invite them to T dinner today; hope it went well. Love, Judy
