Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Apartment/Luxembourg Gardens
Friday, August 21, 2009
I'm here!
I finally have time to sit down and write something. Paris is so pretty. I arrived, barely, to Paris on Thursday afternoon. I almost missed my flight in Zurich to Paris. Our flight in Chicago was taxiing on the runway for an hour and a half. We landed in Zurich at 11:55 leaving me 30 minutes to jet to the shuttle, get through the transferring customs, get through security, and run half a mile to the gate which thankfully still accepted my ticket. I was the last person on the bus to get to the plane, which took off shortly after I sat down. Someone must have been watching over to make sure I got to Paris.
Ariving in Paris was very relieving, even though I was still sick, jetlag and running on two hours of "sleep". I found my roommate, Priyanka after another two miles of walking with 80 pounds of luggage behind me. I was so happy to see her. We were then off to the city of lights with her two friends Dennis and Jason.
My first steps in the city were by far amazing. The buildings here are breath taking and beautiful, and so different from Chicago. I ran over someone's foot with my luggage because I wasn't watching where I was going...oops! I was too distracted. The streets are perfect for the curious; the plan of the city is shaped like a tetrahedron, and half the time you can barely see down a block before it curves onto another street. The light hits all of the buildings so beautifully. I am getting to know the city very quickly and get excited when I recognize something.
The language barrier is a little difficult, but also really fun to try to communicate with the Parisians. I know some basic phrases, like Hi, How are you, good evening, thank you, please, a caraffe of water, I don't speak French, some random stuff, and I know they appreciate it when I try to speak in French, or at least point to things like menus when I'm ordering. Otherwise they catch on that I'm American and try talking to me in English. I try not to open my American mouth too much though, and my goal is to learn a French phrase everyday. It is fun though to eavesdrop conversations and watch French tv.
We have been walking here all day everyday, and it has really drained my energy. It's okay though cause we've already done and seen so much. We've walked up the Montmarte hill a couple times, eaten dinner up there, eaten lunch on the grass and watched the beautiful view of Paris. We've seen the Eiffel tower twice, at night, gone to Notre Dame, Stalingrad, Canal St. Martin and already tested out the nightlife of Paris, which I enjoyed!
I love the culture of Paris. Everyone is so relaxed, dinner takes forever and everyone dines on the sidewalks, especially in this beautiful weather. It has been sunny and in the 80's since I got here. No one speed walks around on their cell phone like they do in Chicago, and personal space and people watching is encouraged. I love the European lifestyle and can't believe I'll be here for the next four months. School starts on Thursday so we get a few more days to relax and explore the city. My friends and I were thinking of going down to the Mediterannean to swim or at least hang out there.
Tomorrow my roommates and I move into our apartment. We explored the area yesterday and it is the cutest, upbeat part of town. We live near the Republique and Canal St. Martin. I am anxious to get out of this hotel and into our 5th floor apartment (with a balcony!)
Today we are off to the Luxembourg Gardens, so I am going to sign off now. I hope all is well with everyone in the States, and have a lovely day! Au Revoir!
- B